New Promise Lab Co., Ltd. leading the field of artificial intelligence & blockchain
AI business field
How are you preparing for the era of digital transformation?
Leading companies are already starting digital transformation with New Promise Lab.
Digital transformation education
Aren't you curious about what kind of training other companies are receiving? Training for general practitioners is different from training for organizational leaders. Please see New Promise Lab Co., Ltd.'s unique data-based decision-making and problem-solving case presentations and discussion-type seminar-type lectures.
Special training for senior officials and leaders
You can join the best experts in the artificial intelligence industry. If you need leader and top-tier education, please prepare for the AI era and digital transition period through New Promise Lab Co., Ltd.
AI education for public officials for data-based administration
In order to actively utilize data-based policy decisions, we present use cases and application plans from understanding the concept of 'data-based administration'.
AI education for entrepreneurship
Artificial Intelligence Era! The rapid development of robots and artificial intelligence is reshaping the labor market. If you are looking for a new start-up item or thinking about securing a core customer base, New Promise Lab Co., Ltd. presents specific methods of using digital technology for prospective entrepreneurs. Hurry up to get new insights.
Specialized digital training for new employees
Wasn't the company's new employee training too ordinary? In the era of great digital transformation, smart talent develops the company properly. If you need data-based training for new recruits to nurture talent, please suggest it.
organizational digital transformation
Restructure and rebrand your organization for digital transformation. New Promise Lab Co., Ltd. proposes digital transformation education for organizations. Organizational culture can be improved through systematic roadmaps and professional consulting.
Data problem-solving training for service innovation
Innovative problem-solving is what everyone needs. Become a creative AI trainer and learn how to efficiently prompt for data and solve creatively.
No coding education
Through no-coding training, you can promote efficient work while maximally saving the given time. Please learn efficient no-coding operation know-how through the no-coding program developed by New Promise Lab Co., Ltd.
AI Digital Creator Course
Through the artificial intelligence digital creator course, you can learn how to use generative AI + chat GPT + additional tools to qualify as a digital creator. You can only beat the competition by developing your own capabilities one step ahead of others. Please try now.
Prompt Engineering Course
The prompt engineering process of New Promis Lab Co., Ltd. is like learning how to catch fish directly in the digital transformation period. Through the original curriculum developed by POSTECH's team led by Dr. Min Chang, you can properly learn the prompt engineering process.
Artificial Intelligence Essence Course for Preschool Children, Elementary School Parents, and Teachers
Artificial Intelligence Essence Course for Preschool Children, Elementary School Parents, and Teachers. We propose an artificial intelligence essence course for preschoolers, elementary school teachers, and parents. In the era of artificial intelligence, it suggests the way to lead children to the right path in advance learning.
AI company artificial intelligence standardization consulting
In the age of corporate digital transformation, corporate AI standardization must be a priority. The best artificial intelligence technicians of New Promise Lab Co., Ltd. support companies' digital transformation work.